Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My All-Time favorite eyeliner!

Physicians Formula Eye Booster 2-in-1 Lash Boosting Eyeliner + Serum

{Purchased} {Some Affiliate links}
My lover, my best friend, my confidence, my go-to product above any other makeup products... it's the Physicians Formula Eye Booster 2-in-1 Lash Boosting Eyeliner + Serum. It's my secret weapon for long lasting eyeliner and my all day full proof application. 
 If there is one thing I am horrible at, it's putting on eye liner. It's just one of those things i've always dreaded until I found the Physicians Formula Lash Boosting eyeliner. I've never had a steady hard, have always hard a hard time with brushes, gels, pencils, felt-tips, but this product just has the perfect brush along with the formula to die for! 

It looks like a felt tip but it's really a fine brush that's almost fool proof. I'm not sure why out of all the products this one is so easy to use but I think it's because it dispenses just the right amount of product for the brush to glide but not so much where you have a mess. Also the tip has such a fine end that you can reach the inner corner of the eye and the outer corner to wing out with ease. 
The formula is the second best thing! Physicians Formula has not advertised this to go in the waterline but after accidentally going snorkeling with this eyeliner and coming out with it completely perfect, I was wondering if it was waterproof and wondered how well it would do in the waterline. In my experience, I put this every day on top and INSIDE my top waterline and LOVE how it stays PUT. It DOESN'T move at all. For someone who has watery eyes, likes the outdoors, occasionally swims, this product is just AMAZING!!! *WARNING: I just read the box of one of my new ones and it says that it should never be applied to the waterline. Sigh, I'll take my chances since I love the look but I did want to let you know that Physicians Formula does not suggest you apply in the waterline. 

I've bought a couple of these eyeliners already in both Ultra Black and Deep Brown and love both colors. 

~In conclusion~

  • Physicians Formula claims this product lasts 24 hours on, I agree. After testing this out vigorously even with oily lids and swimming, this product does last. 
  • With a good eye makeup remover this comes off. 
  • The brush applicator is AMAZING!
  • The product can often be found on sale. Oh yeah!
  • If you have a hard time or a newbie with eyeliner, I highly suggest you give this product a try. 

FTC Disclaimer: All products where purchased by ME. This review is my honest opinion and my experience with the product. I have notbeen paid to write this review. Some if any links below might be affiliate, some might not.


  1. I absolutely fail at eyeliner! I will have to pick one of these up and give it a try!

    1. Hi Kelly.

      If you try it, please let me know what you think of it. Hope you enjoy it.

